Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Little Things

I was at work yesterday and one of the girls, who I never thought liked me all that much, overheard me telling someone I don't have a boyfriend. She chimed in from her bedroom and said, "Claire I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend. I'm surprised nobody's chosen you yet...I think you'll get one soon."
Okay first, I haven't chosen anyone either thank you very much.
But second, it was such a sweet moment! Coming from this girl who I struggle to have a relationship with and who always seems to not give a rats @$$ about me- it melted my stone cold heart.

1 comment:

Jana said...

I just read all your blog posts. That was a lot of reading especially for my 5th grade reading level. But that girl is nice and when you wrote 'stone cold heart' all I read was cold stone.. what is wrong with me.