Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's Been a While.

I've been out of the blogging world for quite sometime now. It's weird because lately I've had more to blog about than ever before, which is probably why I've been MIA-too busy. I moved to Denver, came home, went travelling around Europe, moved to Utah...too much to catch up on now. I'm ready to tackle the world of blogging again; this time it'll be more journal-esque entries than anything else so most of you probably won't be interested in reading. My mind is going a million miles a minute these days so I have to find some way to organize my thoughts.

First things first. I have a list of tasks I want/need to accomplish before the year is up. Maybe if I post it online where everyone can read, I'll be more inclined to do it all.

In no particular order:

1. Family reunion in Boston
2. Trip to Washington
3. Back too Murrrrda to see my new baby niece/nephew
4. Go somewhere cool for my birthday-Jackson Hole, Yellowstone, Moab
5. Australia! I need another trip abroad, I'm craving it so bad. Australia seems the acceptable compromise between taking 3 months off to travel Europe again, and not doing anything at all.
6. Brandon- he gets home in December, gotta figure that one out
7. Get at least 15 credits done for my Associates. May not seem like a lot, but I am NOT school-focussed these days, so I need to take baby steps. I'm much more interested in travel and doing basically whatever I want right now; but I need to get on the ball
8. Make application video for the Amazing Race
9. Plan my next big backpacking trip. Destinations include: Ireland OR Eastern Europe OR Thailand
10. Run a 10K

Basically, I gots things ta do. It's going to require a lot of money saving, work, and patience.

On a side note: as I'm writing this post, Violet walks in my room and sits on my lap. GOODNESS how I miss this little girl while I'm away. Love her to death.


dede said...

yahoo!! a post from claire ;) So good to see you the other night. Dang your list is amazing. How fun do it for me my list has one thing on it. Have a baby and not be sick :) You know my favorite number on the list I don't need to tell you which one. :) Love ya Make sure you post all those adventures.

Jana said...

Paris & Rome just come homeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

you should take aderoll. it's totally fine.