Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Roses are Red

1. excuse my ratty hair

2. excuse the poor photo quality

3. excuse the weird photo..tried to cover as much of my face as possible

Genevieve: this little girl that comes in to the gym with her mom everyday. She's about 5 years old and always comes in so happy and either gives me a flower from in front of the gym (dandelion usually) or a compliment (I like your hair, braid, etc.) One day I said "you always bring me flowers, I love it!", and she responded with "it's cause you're really pretty!" as she shyly ran away. Honestly made my day. So yesterday I'm in the pool area checking chlorine and pH levels (dad would be so proud) and the door opens and little Genny walks in and hands me this rose.

So greatful for little girls and the sweetness they bring to this world. There's something so special and precious about a little girl. Especially a little princess named Violet.

1 comment:

jenna said...

uh where's quinns tribute post?