Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let the Letter-Writing Begin...

So Brandon decided to ditch us all and go on a mission. He was called to Pocatello, Idaho (yes, he was really excited) and reported to the M.T.C. on December 9th. Of course his family, friends, and I will miss him dearly but we are all SO proud of him and the decision he made to go! Anyways, the last few weeks he was here we tried to do as many fun things as we could squeeze in! Here are some of my favorites:

Since Brandon will be spending Christmas in the M.T.C. we decided to celebrate early and exchange gifts before he left. I guess it's true that the more time you spend with someone the more you think alike; we both got each other a Sony cybershot, memory card, and case. Of course the one he got me was way nicer, but what missionary needs a nice camera, right??

Brandon's farewell partaaaaay! It took about 10 attempts to catch him doing a real smile.
Went to the duck pond and realized how GROSS ducks are. Got bird crap on my camera case, keys, and ALMOST on both of our heads. SICK.
Of course we had to spend some time at the happiest place on earth! It was so fun, not crowded, and a nice day out. Perfect way to spend our last day together!

(This is the annoying couple who cut in front of us (the girl is in front). They just walked straight over the ropes because we left a small gap in between us and the people in front. So annoying. But not annoying enough for me to let Brandon say anything...I'm a baby.)

He would find ice cream in a desert.

The afternoon before he got set apart we went on our last date to B.J.'s.
I had a countdown going in my head the whole day.
Josh, Brandon, and Mike reminding us all to CTR.
...After he was officially "Elder Hoyt".
So I guess for the next 2 years I'll learn how to become an excellent writer. Any gift or other cute ideas I could do for him while he's away, please tell!



the walker family said...

and if anyone is thinking of swooping into brandon's spot while he's away, i would think twice. he is scary, don't let his dimples deceive you.

dede said...

ohhhhhhhhhh i love you guys... made me miss brandon.. come over i will do packages with you.. I am an EXCELLENT letter writer and package sender :) ask my man he will tell you... so excited for brandon his mission will be amazing.. he is a great guy.. and you know how we feel about you. Preston might swoop in though ha ha!!

jenna said...

it looks like you only have one leg in this picture. wait DO YOU only have one leg now?

The Giddings said...

i miss brandon. good lookin' out laura...also, just so all of those guys out there know, there is a shield of cock-blocks surrounding claire while brandon is away, so don't even try. Team Brandon!
and yes, claire, i said that.